Alexandra Lewis handles all misdemeanor and felony matters in the state of Georgia. If you have been accused or charged with ANY crime, you need immediate representation- DO NOT WAIT. Hiring an Attorney early can mitigate the potential for additional charges and will prevent you from incriminating yourself. There is no case too big or too small for The Lewis Firm. Call or text now for a free consultation. 770-515-9595

The Lewis Firm is experienced and knowledgable in DUI Law and will fight aggressively to ensure you receive the best possible outcome for your case. Since each individual case has a unique set of facts and circumstances it is important to have legal counsel to carefully analyze the evidence in your case to identify any legal errors or defenses that may be raised on your behalf.
Georgia is one of the only states with “implied consent” laws. If you have been arrested for DUI under the implied consent statute (a refusal to submit to a breathalyzer) you only have 30 days to file an appeal with the State to ensure you don’t face a one-year hard suspension of your driver’s license. If you fail to make this request on time there is no recourse through the Court. Hiring an Attorney immediately is crucial in keeping your license safe.
Convictions for a first DUI in Georgia can result in up to one year in jail, fines exceeding $1,000.00, DUI School, community service, completion of an alcohol evaluation performed by a licensed counselor (and any recommended treatment), and a one year suspension of your driver’s license. Some jurisdictions may also require further conditions.
Call the Lewis Firm today to discuss your options and speak directly to Alexandra Lewis.

All traffic violations in Georgia are classified as misdemeanor criminal offenses and can carry penalties of jail time and heavy fines. The Lewis Firm handles all traffic violations and will ensure you receive the best defense including reducing charges, reducing fines, and reducing points on your license. Avoiding points on your license will not only help prevent license suspension for point accumulation, it will also avoid insurance rate increases.
The Lewis Firm offers affordable flat fees for all traffic tickets starting at $299. Please call or text today at 770-515-9595 for a free phone consultation. No office appointment necessary.

Maecenas tellus lorem, rutrum nec erat eget, euismod tincidunt sapien. Integer non fringilla nisi. Ut sed urna lorem. In neque sem, feugiat molestie condimentum ut, interdum eu quam. Vestibulum vehicula mollis porta. Maecenas auctor aliquam auctor. Praesent tincidunt interdum libero, condimentum imperdiet ex auctor vel.
Morbi eu convallis tellus, vitae malesuada risus. Cras ut tincidunt justo. Fusce ultricies nec eros vel varius. Aliquam lacinia diam eros, sit amet tincidunt tortor tincidunt a. Aenean vitae aliquet lorem. Cras eu ex imperdiet, consequat nulla quis, scelerisque sapien. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris porta vestibulum orci, eget laoreet nisl elementum id.
Sed euismod augue magna, vel tristique ante luctus feugiat. Duis ac lorem id urna volutpat molestie imperdiet non justo. Nullam at metus pellentesque, tristique sem eu, vehicula diam. Sed aliquet elit velit, vel auctor nibh tempor vel. Morbi a molestie ligula. Donec sit amet vehicula felis, eget fermentum tortor. Phasellus maximus gravida feugiat.